Choosing a Dentist you can Trust

It used to be that there was one way to practice dentistry. Today, there are many different philosophies for performing restorations such as fillings, crowns, implants and cosmetic work. Without formal education, it can be difficult to know the best way to go. This is why I strive to provide my patients with the knowledge and practice of world-class dental care.

When a patient comes to see me for consultation, I start by discussing big picture issues. I ask about both medical and dental history so that I can begin to address needs based on the patient’s overall well being. If there are cosmetic concerns, I dive deeply into what the patient likes and dislikes about the appearance of their teeth. I do this with the understanding that smiles play an important role in both our confidence level and physical health. Together, we work to create a smile that is healthy and beautiful.

Unfortunately, many people do not receive proper care due to fear or bad experiences in the past. At my practice, we aim to turn this around by using the most effective techniques and materials to ensure high quality and long-lasting results. Our goal is to make patients feel as comfortable as possible so that nothing stands in the way of great oral health.

Do you have questions about restorative or cosmetic dental procedures? Please contact me today to schedule a time to talk about it.


Central Kansas Dentistry, P.A.

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Office Hours

Monday to Thursday,
from 8 am to 1 pm
and 2 pm to 5 pm.