
Dental Veneers

Central Kansas Porcelain Veneers

Not Just for Celebrities Anymore!

It used to be that you only saw absolutely perfect, white teeth on movie stars. But now, it seems you see them everywhere! How do all these people get such perfect teeth? Is it something in the water? Probably not. Our guess is that more and more people are getting their teeth repaired with porcelain dental veneers.

Not only are more people getting dental veneers, but the materials used to make them and the process of application is improving all the time too. We know – we use these advanced techniques and technology right here at Central Kansas Dentistry.

Close-up of a person holding a shade guide for dental veneers next to their smile with text reading, "Porcelain veneers are a versatile method of restoring and repairing teeth.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Work to Improve My Smile?

When applied by a highly trained cosmetic dentist, porcelain veneers are a wonderfully versatile method of restoring and repairing teeth. Using porcelain veneers, Dr. Williams can resolve a variety of problems – he can straighten crooked teeth, repair chipped teeth, lengthen worn teeth and whiten teeth with stains that can’t be removed through bleaching. The veneer process works nicely with the conservative approach practiced at Central Kansas Dentistry.

A smiling woman showing her teeth next to a man. Text overlay reads: "Our dental veneers are long-lasting and never look obvious or fake.

Our porcelain veneers are long lasting and they never look obvious or fake. How is that possible? Porcelain veneer materials display similar physical properties as natural enamel. In addition, with the advances in ceramic technology, the layers and translucency of natural teeth can be perfectly mimicked. We love to see our patients beam with delight over the final results!

Clearly, porcelain dental veneers aren’t just a glamour trend – they can help cosmetically repair all kinds of damage, even correcting genetic malformations and misshapen teeth. Finding your confident smile is now within reach! Call Dr. Kurt Williams to find out more today!


Central Kansas Dentistry, P.A.

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Monday to Thursday,
from 8 am to 1 pm
and 2 pm to 5 pm.

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