
Going the Distance: Why Traveling to Our Office is Worth It

At Central Kansas Dentistry, P.A., it’s not uncommon for many of our patients to travel great distances to come to our office. Some patients even travel up to 100 miles! But why is that? These days, with a dentist on almost every corner, why would so many patients make the trek to Dr. Williams‘ office when there may very well be a dentist much closer? The answer to that may surprise you.

A Thorough Approach

At our office, we go to great lengths to be as thorough as possible with every patient. We understand that it’s important for our patients to feel comfortable with us, and that’s why during your initial appointment, we’ll take the time to really get to know you. In addition to talking with our patients at length at that first appointment, we’ll take x-rays, perform an exam and gather any necessary medical records. From there, we work hand in hand with you to formulate a treatment plan that will address all of your dental needs in a way that works best for you. You can be sure that we’ll address all of your concerns and answer every question you have.

A Dentist Who Listens to You

Many patients feel that their dentist doesn’t listen to them and ultimately feels like they have very little say in their treatment plan. With Dr. Williams, this is absolutely not the case. He makes it a priority to listen to his patients so that he has a very clear understanding of what they want and how they want to accomplish it. One of the key differences between us and other dental offices is that we ask you what YOU would like to have done versus telling you what to have done. We keep you fully involved in the decision-making process because we understand this is your dental health, and you should be the one taking charge of it.

Respecting Your Time

It’s no surprise that dental work, especially extensive dental work, can be a time-consuming process. It often requires multiple, lengthy visits. At our office, we know that you’re taking time out of your day to come and see us, so we do our best to respect that time by scheduling and arranging all of your appointments in a concise manner. We work to minimize appointments by making the most of the time you’re in our office.

At our office, we’re passionate about making our patients feel like family, and that’s why you can be sure that you’re putting your dental health in the hands of people who truly care. Call our office today at 785-472-3803 to schedule an appointment, and see for yourself why so many people are making the trip to our office.


Central Kansas Dentistry, P.A.

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Office Hours

Monday to Thursday,
from 8 am to 1 pm
and 2 pm to 5 pm.

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